This was produced via a loop macro that accessed the "update daily save" folder that is created from the program.
Income Statement Graph
- The Red is layered over the blue.
- Red's are expenses, blues are revenues.
- Black is blue minus red
- Shows the portion of expenses that eat up the revenues
- Shows how increases efficiency increased revenue over time
- Shows how second month increased both gross margin and overall revenues
- 3rd month maintained increased gross margin but lower revenues since closing shop
- Starts at 0 each month due to closing entries
Asset Management Graph
- Cash is always lowest, always reinvesting in buy orders
- Inventory is always middle
- Buy orders always bulk of assets to maximize opportunities
- When inventory goes down, cash goes up
- When cash goes down, buy orders go up.
- Slow consistent overall asset growth
- The three sharp drops are when assets were withdrawn
- All assets are 0 at the end when it is closed